
Easy Keto-Friendly Coconut Macaroons Recipe

Keto-friendly Coconut Macaroons. Yes, you read it right.

Before I go to the recipe let me tell you

Why do I love coconut macaroons?

As a kid, coconut macaroons were my favourite treat. I vividly remember celebrating one of my birthdays by distributing some among friends and family. They weren’t a regular affair at home. They were the celebration food item.

Wondering, why I am calling them coconut cookies instead of Macaroons.

Back then, my dad would get me these amazing goodies from a local baker who called them coconut cookies and they came topped with a cherry.

Keto-friendly Coconut Macaroon

Anyway, I am going to be giving you both the version of the macaroons i.e. keto, and the regular variation. Of which the macaroons are also diabetic-friendly. Do try it out and let me know how they turn out.


Coconut Macaroons

A Keto-friendly Treat
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Keto
Keyword Keto
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 12 pieces


  • Mixing bowl
  • baking tray/silicon baking mats
  • oven


  • 1.5 cup Shredded coconut I have used homemade sundried shredded coconut
  • 2 Egg white
  • As per taste Erythitol To make regular macaroons add 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4-5 drops Vanilla/Almond essence
  • Pinch of Salt


  • Preheat your oven at 180 C for 10 mins
  • In a mixing bowl, whip up the egg whites until stiff peak. Then add-in the sweetner and vanilla essence.( In case of using sugar, just whip the egg white with the sugar and essence till it is light and foamy)
  • Finally, add in the shredded coconut and mix it well till it kind of comes together and you can make balls out of it.
  • Scoop it out in a spoon and put it on the baking tray or make round ball with hand and place it on the tray and flatten it a little.
  • Bake it in a pre-heated oven for 15 min.s
  • After being baked. Leave them aside for cooling for a few minutes before consumption.


  • If the mixture is runny add-in more coconut.
  • You can use a combination of shredded coconut and almond flour
  • To get an intense taste of coconut, toast them up a little before mixing into the egg.
  • Each oven is different and heats differently. Also, coconut tends to burn faster so keep an eye on the macaroons closely.
Aditi Prabhu


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